Layout Configuration Reference

API Version

api-version (integer)

The API version used in this configuration file. The provided number must be equal or smaller than the major version of the currently used partup executable.

This scalar is mandatory.

Disk Options

disklabel (string)

Partition table for the device. Currently supported options are msdos (default) and gpt.

Since 2.2.0, not specifying disklabel or setting it to null will skip partitioning altogether and omit any overwrite checks. In particular, this can be used to flash devices with raw disk images that already contain a partition table and associated partitions.

Clean Data

The section clean contains a sequence of mappings describing where the mmc device is cleaned outside of partitions. Each entry should contain the following options:

offset (integer/string)

Offset of the cleaned space.

size (integer/string)

Size of the cleaned space.

Raw Data

The section raw contains a sequence of mappings describing data that is written outside of partitions. Each entry may contain the following options:

Since 2.1.0, the written output is also being verified by checking against the input’s SHA256 sum, including any given offsets.

input-offset (integer/string)

Offset of the input data to be written.

output-offset (integer/string)

Offset of the written output data.

input (mapping)

An input mapping. See Input Files.


The section partitions contains a sequence of mappings describing the contained partitions of an MMC device. Each entry may contain the following options:

label (string)

A partition label. The label is set in the filesystem of the partition and in the partition table if GPT is used. For raw ext[234] images, providing a label overwrites the label included in the filesystem image. The default value is null.

partuuid (string)

The PARTUUID of the partition. Only supported on GPT partitioned devices. A random UUID is used by default.

type (string)

The partition type. May be one of primary or logical. Note, that with the first occurrence of a logical partition the following ones must be logical, too. Logical partitions are only supported with the msdos partition table.

filesystem (string)

The filesystem type to use during formatting of the partition.

The following filesystems are currently supported:

  • ext2

  • ext3

  • ext4

  • fat16 (Available since: 2.0.0)

  • fat32

mkfs-extra-args (string)

Extra arguments to be passed to mkfs. Note, that the allowed arguments may be different, depending on the used filesystem type. See the man page of mkfs with the particular filesystem to read up allowed arguments, e.g. man mkfs.fat.

Available since: 2.0.0

size (integer/string)

The size of the partition.

expand (boolean)

Expands the partition to fill the rest of the flash device. If multiple partitions are specified to be expanding, then the space is equally divided between them. By default, partitions do not expand.

offset (integer/string)

The offset of a partition.

block-size (integer/string)

Set the partition size to a multiple of the specified value. The default is 2 sectors, which is almost always equal to 1KiB.

flags (sequence)

Set flags for this partition. Flags to be enabled should be provided as a sequence of strings. Possible flags are the same as specified by GNU parted’s set command.

input (sequence)

A sequence of input mappings. See Input Files.

MMC Controls

MMC specific controls can be specified using the keyword mmc containing a mapping of the following options:

hwreset (string)

Enable or disable the eMMC H/W reset feature with enable or disable. By default, H/W reset is not changed.


This is a one-time programmable, irreversible change.

Available since: 2.0.0

bootbus (string)

Set the boot bus conditions. See the mmc-utils manpage for a description of possible values.

Available since: 2.0.0

boot-partitions (mapping)

An eMMC boot partitions mapping. See eMMC Boot Partitions.

eMMC Boot Partitions

eMMC’s special boot partitions can be specified using the keyword boot-partitions containing a mapping of the following options:

enable (integer)

Enable and select the boot partition. 0 to disable boot partitions.

boot-ack (boolean)

Set the boot acknowledge property of the eMMC. The default value is false.

Available since: 2.0.0

binaries (sequence)

A sequence of binaries to copy to the boot partitions. See Binaries. This keyword is optional.


Binary files are specified by a scalar named binaries containing a sequence of mappings with at least an input.

input-offset (integer/string)

Offset of the input data to be written. This keyword is optional.

output-offset (integer/string)

Offset of the written output data. This keyword is optional.

input (mapping)

An input mapping. See Input Files.

Input Files

Input files are specified by a scalar named input containing a mapping with at least a filename. For verifying the checksum of the given file by filename, an optional checksum can be provided with md5sum and/or sha256sum.

filename (string)

A valid relativ path pointing to a file that should be written to the parent partition or volume.

md5sum (string)

The MD5 sum of the given file specified by filename. This sum is checked against the provided file before writing to the target partition or volume.

sha256sum (string)

The SHA256 sum of the given file specified by filename. This sum is checked against the provided file before writing to the target partition or volume.

Supported File Types

The provided input files are copied to the filesystem of the corresponding partition by default. However, if files are of one of the supported special file types, they are treated as following.

tar or tar.*

Archives and compressed archives are extracted into the filesystem.


Raw filesystem files are written directly to the partition. This overrides any existing filesystem, so it should be specified as filesystem: null or not be specified at all. Additionally ext filesystems are resized to utilize the whole partition.